Monday, May 2, 2011

The Pyramid Challenge

After eating for two for 2 years, it's been hard for me to adjust to eating less. When I was pregnant and nursing I couldn't get enough to eat. I ate huge portions and still ended up feeling thin and frail. That is no longer a problem. For the past couple months I've been eating those same big portions and feeling really bogged down from the excess calories. And it's starting to show on my waistline too.

I found a great tool to help re-train myself to eat like a normal person. It's called, a website that tracks what you eat every day against the recommended amounts of fruits, veggies, meats, etc. It's free and it makes more sense to me than the fad diets. So I'm going to make a big effort to eat the right foods and track them for the next month. Along with following the diet recommendations, I'm also going to get 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week and get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. (That's not always up to me but I'll give it my best shot.)

I always thought it would be impossible to eat the recommended fruits/veggies, but I was surprised to find that the recommended portions are so small that a salad at lunch and a side of veggies at dinner takes care of the veggies. This week I bought a bunch of salad fixings at the store and made a big salad for my lunches. It took more effort than buying a sodium-packed frozen meal, but it's worth it. I put dried cherries in it today, so I'm getting in a fruit AND it's delicious.

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