Monday, July 6, 2009

One Month Old!

"Call me."
Brenden is one month old and already weighs 12 lbs, 8 oz! He is starting to interact with us more. Daddy got his first smile yesterday, and I got mine this morning. He does the funniest little expressions and sounds.
Our latest challenge is bottle feeding. He looks absolutely disgusted when we put the nipple is his mouth, which is followed by an ear-splitting wail. He'll take the bottle eventually, but it's a long, loud battle of wills. I hate to see him cry, but we have to get him used to it for when I go back to work.
Life is starting to feel more normal. I still have moments when I play the "how much would I pay for a night of uninterrupted sleep" game, but mostly it's all manageable. Even the other day when Brenden thought it was funny to see how many eardrums he could burst at the bookstore, I felt so lucky even though people were glaring at us. Last November I was standing in that same store, trying to pass the time on one of those excruciating days when we thought our baby might have a chromosomal defect. Maybe that experience was a blessing in disguise, so we won't forget how lucky we are.


David Fortney said...

OMG! My grandson is such a big,beautiful boy. Looks like me,donchathink??

Kara Hartz said...

Both my boys did better with the bottle when it was absolutely necessary that they take one, when I was not home. Neither of them has *ever* taken one from me.

He is cute cute cute! And a big guy, like my Daniel :)