Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blazing Hot

Ugh, it's so hot here. It was literally 100 degrees today. I went to a couple of stores in search of a window air conditioner, but every store in the area is completely out of fans and AC.

Since our house was an oven, Brenden and I spent all day out. First I had an appointment with a dermatologist to get help for my acne. It really flared up during my pregnancy and hasn't gotten much better since Brenden was born. I remember when I was a pizza-faced preteen and people used to promise me it would get better in a few years. I'm 28, and I'm still waiting.

We spent about 4 hours at the mall again. It was tiring to pace up and down the mall (if I stand still too long Brenden starts kicking me like I'm his horse.) We spent some time in the Nordstrom Lounge, our new home away from home. I'll have to actually buy something there someday.

When Adam got off work we went out to eat, and Brenden was perfect all through dinner. He finally broke down from exhaustion when we tried to go to the bookstore (for some reason he can't stand bookstores or libraries). So we came home to our 90-degree house, and Brenden and I took a cool bath. I swear we sizzled when we got into the water.

It's supposed to be boiling hot for several more days. I'm already exhausted because Brenden isn't sleeping well in this heat and there's no rest for me during the day either. But after another day of this I'll be too tired to care that my beautiful dahlias I just planted are toast.

To look on the bright side, I'm thankful there are places we can go to cool off, and that we have a car with AC. Someday the rain will return, which sounds like the most amazing thing in the world right now.

1 comment:

Kara Hartz said...

How awful. I *hate* nursing when it's that hot. I hope it cools off soon!