Today has been the best birthday yet. I got to spend most of the day with my boys. It started out a little rough, with lots of spit-up and dirty diapers. I suspect Brenden is allergic to soy, which I've been drinking to replace the cow's milk we already know he's allergic to. He was too busy grunting and fussing to sleep this morning, so I thought we might have to cancel our lunch plans with Daddy. But he konked out right before Adam got home, and stayed asleep through most of our lunch at Red Lobster. We figured lunch was safer than dinner so there would be less noise and it wouldn't be so crowded that breastfeeding would be awkward. Here are some photos from our nice lunch:

Brenden hates his car seat, so he was a bit cranky by the time we got home. Here's a picture of the mad face he makes right before he starts fussing at us to get him out:

After lunch Adam stayed home with Brenden so I could make a quick trip to the drugstore. While I was gone they got in a nice nap in the recliner:

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