The first half of the week was great. Little Guy's check-up on Tuesday went well, as usual. He's right on track and I'm slightly dilated. I was disappointed that the doctor couldn't tell me anything about when I'll deliver except that I won't go beyond 42 weeks! Best not to think about that scenario. I doubt he'll be much overdue, if at all. I'm having practice contractions, and they've become stronger and more painful in the last week.
Work was a real challenge on Thursday and Friday. We had big submittals going out both days, and of course something usually goes wrong when we have big deadlines. My job is to coordinate all of the pieces of the submittal from different engineers, get it copied, and deliver it to the client. Everything was going well on Thursday until the girl who works in our copy room came back from lunch drunk. She couldn't understand anything I was trying to tell her, and her movements and speech made me wonder if she'd had a stroke or something. So I had to try to finish the copy job myself, which killed my back and feet, and I missed the FedEx deadline anyway.
Friday's submittal wasn't much better. The engineers didn't have their stuff ready on time, so it put me even farther behind. I stayed an hour late to get the originals ready for the printers (I sent this one to an outside printing company!), and then my bus home was another hour late! There is nowhere to sit around the bus stop, and my feet and back felt bruised from standing so long. I was almost in tears, I was so tired and frustrated. Thankfully when I got home last night Adam had picked up dinner and I got to kick back and watch my favorite show, Escape to Chimp Eden. We curled up on the couch (kind of a challenge right now), and Adam rubbed my hair until I fell asleep :)
Today has been a gorgeous day. There's nothing like that first day of spring when you get to wear your flip flops and go without a jacket. We had a nice day out, and now we're going to have dinner and watch Marley & Me. Some of the women in our labor class talked about how hard the movie made them cry, so hopefully I'll survive it. It hasn't taken much to make me cry lately. I teared up the other day when I discovered that my last clean shirt that actually fits had a big stain on it.
Here's a picture of us at 37 1/2 weeks. Little Guy is showing his support for his Aunt Katie's school, Purdue.

1 comment:
You look so cute! You're almost there!! Give my bubby a big hug for me please. :-) Love you guys.
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