Little Guy is still stubbornly camped out in my belly. We have an induction scheduled for Tuesday, but hopefully he'll make his grand entrance before that. We're a little nervous about an induction because it has a higher risk of a c-section. There have been some signs that labor is fast approaching, so I'm really hoping it happens tomorrow. My dr is on call, Little Guy's Grammy will be here, and Adam is starting his 2-week paternity leave tomorrow (hint, hint, Little Guy!!)
Today is my last day of sitting at home by myself. I'm glad to have had this quiet time, and now I'm ready for the chaos to begin. Today was a pretty eventful day, actually. My friend Tami had a healthy baby girl this morning. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 5 oz, if you can believe that! She went all-natural and said it wasn't as bad as she expected. (I admire her strength but "epidural" is still prominently featured in my birth plan!)
Also, Little Guy's Grandma was in the hospital for a heart problem, but the doctors shocked her back into shape (literally) and all is well. It was a little scary but she should be fine and hopefully her doctor will allow her to fly in to meet Little Guy in a couple of weeks.
The weather continues to be just incredible, and I took a walk down to a nearby bed-and-breakfast to pick up the key to the room LG's Grammy will be staying in. The B&B is so cute, and hopefully it will be a nice get-away for Grammy while we stumble our way through our first nights with Little Guy. The walk back up to our house was slow-going and HOT (yes, it's a blistering 75 degrees here, but it's more like 95 degrees for a mammoth walking uphill.)
Time for me to get going - Grammy will be here in 2 hours and I still need to freshen up, finish laundry, and make dinner!
PUH-LEEZE update your blog with your birth story! I'm dying to hear details!!!
Ok, that last comment was really from me (Julie) and not Chris! He was logged into Google and I didn't realize it!
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