It's been nice to have time to get things taken care of. I even took the car to the dealership yesterday to get caught up on all of the routine maintenance. While I was waiting I got a big craving for hot dogs, and I spent a good half hour in the waiting room thinking about whether or not I felt like going to the effort to buy hot dogs and cook them. Finally I decided it wasn't worth the effort. But then on my way home from the dealership, I stopped at a Walgreens for something, and a group was having a hot dog cookout outside the store to support the American Cancer Society. I couldn't believe my luck! Little Guy and I got our hot dog, and I wrote our names down on the donation card. (You'll have to go to the Lake City Walgreens here in Seattle if you want a sneak peek at his name!)
I made a photo collage (you can see it in the second picture above) for Little Guy's room so he'll be able to see his family every day. He's been pretty quiet the last couple of days, probably because I can't sit still. He's still moving around though, so no worries! Speaking of worries, the swine flu scare made us a little anxious. Even Adam got a little worried when they announced the first cases in our area. I called and talked to my doctor's nurse, and she reassured me that there are safe treatments for pregnant women. I really hope the outbreak continues to be mild, since Little Guy will be here so soon.
He'll be full-term in just 2 days! We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to check if I'm dilated at all, and afterwards we're going out for dinner to celebrate Little Guy being full-term. I'm going to work another couple of weeks. I'm still sleeping really well and just mildly uncomfortable, but it's hard to keep my mind on work. I'm really looking forward to my last day!
Very cute room Julie! He'll be here in no time. Best wishes with the delivery and bringing home your newborn :) Can't wait to see pictures!
Ohhhhh! That is the cutest room! I love how you did the walls. Wish I could see the photo collage up close. It looks really cute.
I would go to that Walgreens if I could! I cannot wait to hear my little nephew's name.
Love you guys.
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