I have officially started the third trimester! The beginning of my pregnancy dragged so much; I remember counting down the days to each appointment. Now I'm glad time isn't moving any faster than it is. We're almost settled in our house, so next we need to get Little Guy's room ready, and every weekend in April is taken up with birthing/parenting classes. We're taking a birthing class, then two shorter classes for breastfeeding and infant CPR. I hear first babies often come early, so I'm not scheduling anything for May!
I'm starting to get even more nervous and excited now - there will be another person living in our house in only 12 weeks! I'm so excited to meet him, and also really nervous about how we'll handle it all. I think we'll do just fine, but I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for not being able to have things just so.
We had a fun day today. We picked out our new rocker/recliner, which will be delivered next Saturday. We spent twice as much as we planned, but we figured it was worth it to splurge since we'll be spending so many late nights in it. I'm looking forward to having it soon. I used to love stretching out on the floor to watch TV, but it's already a struggle to get myself back up. I'm already finding it difficult to bend down to pick things up. I'm going to be huge in 3 months!
This afternoon we walked to the downtown area from our house. It's about a mile (uphill both ways - no joke). Here's a view looking toward the waterfront/downtown area from our house:

It was a cloudy/drizzly day - on clear days it's amazing! Our walk downtown was great. We had lunch at a little restaurant called Claire's Pantry, and the food was delicious. I ordered fettucine alfredo, which I thought might be a mistake to order at a diner, but it was the best fettucine alfredo I've ever had. We checked out a cute little toy store and a bookshop, and visited the local library on our way back. It's a nice library with a good selection, and I'm excited to live so close! The downtown Seattle library is impressive, but it feels very industrial with all of the metal racks and crazy open architecture.
I better sign off - time for dinner!
1 comment:
That sounds like the most wonderful day ever! Love it.
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