Saturday, March 7, 2009


We're 28 weeks along! It's getting harder to find things to wear. Some maternity shirts are too short even!

We decided on Little Guy's name, but we're keeping it a secret until he's born! We're still calling him Little Guy for now.

He is growing so much. I can tell he's getting more cramped in there. Sometimes he shifts all the way around in my belly, which feels really weird when his elbow or knee is sticking out. I have started dreaming about him most nights, and he's often wriggling around like crazy or crying a lot. Probably not too far off from reality!
It's harder to move around now, and I breathe really hard a lot of the time. We went to see Watchmen last night at the theatre, and I ended up leaving a few minutes into the movie. I was miserable in the theatre seat - it was like a torture device.
We ordered some wall stickers for Little Guy's room, and I can't wait until they arrive. We have lots of painting, decorating, and furniture assembly to do, but we should have photos of his new room in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are not huge! You look absolutely adorable. Only your belly is big. My everything was big!!!