Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Babies R Us Meltdown

Okay, it wasn't really a meltdown. But it was close. Adam and I went to Babies R Us last night to buy our bassinet (an Arms Reach model that attaches right to your bed), and on the way there we started talking about the things about the new house we don't like. There are more pros than cons, but the house is old and drafty, and we found out the electric bills for the past year ran as high as $250/month. Yikes!

I was feeling very stressed by the time we got to BRU, and then when we got there we found out the Arms Reach was out of stock. It wouldn't have been a big deal for a normal person - we were able to special order it to pick up later this week and we don't even need it for 4 months! But I was completely hormonal and I had to fight back tears until we got to the car. Luckily Adam is more used to my crying spells at this point. Early in my pregnancy he was really concerned when it happened, but now he knows to just let it pass. I even cried once because a cashier at the grocery store was so nice to me. She was just the sweetest old lady...

I am feeling better now, thankfully. We briefly considered finding a different place, but after looking around a little we found that unless we want to rent a less-than-desirable apartment, we're not going to find a better deal. I talked to the landlord today and he said he would work with us on any weatherproofing that might help.

It's funny how the most exciting things can be so nerve-wracking! My life right now is about 70% excitement and 30% gut-wrenching anxiety. There are so many things up in the air, it's just overwhelming sometimes.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey Julie! You look GREAT! Your belly is so cute. Still not sure exactly when I'll be up in Seattle next, but maybe I'll be able to come visit you in your new home! And I'm so pleased to hear that lil baby Fortney continues to do well. Keep on growin' little man! XO Julie