Monday, January 19, 2009

Relief, Finally

We had our fetal echo today, and Little Guy's heart looks great. The doctors have run out of tests, so our ultrasound scare is officially over. The one upside of the ordeal was all the extra ultrasounds we had. Little Guy was a little hyper today. He would not sit still, and then he got the hiccups and started jerking around like crazy. It was really cool to see what he was doing at the same time I felt his movements. It is such an enormous relief to know he's okay and not have to feel nervous about any more tests. Here's his 22 week glamour shot:

He's 1 lb, 2 ounces, compared to the 16 lbs I've gained. Yikes! I packed on 6 lbs in the last 4 weeks. My doctor said it's fine as long as I don't jump up that much every month. Some days I am ravenous, but I can think of a few diet changes that wouldn't hurt.

I am very excited to see Barack Obama sworn into office tomorrow. Just like my pregnancy, it's something I hoped for but almost seemed too good to be true. I don't expect him to work miracles overnight, but for the first time in my adult life, I actually have faith in the country's leadership. I have way more trust in Obama to make good decisions for my child's future than most politicians.

These wonderful changes are keeping us very busy! We have so much to do, and suddenly time is moving so much faster. The renovations on the house we are probably going to be rent should be done in less than a week - we can't wait to see it all finished!

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