(Don't laugh...I was exhausted from working/packing all day, and I was proud of myself just for spelling the words right.)
Yesterday, Friday the 13th, was our 11-year dating anniversary! Adam and I met back when I was a junior in high school, working at the Dairy Queen. We'll have to take Little Guy there for ice cream some day to show him where his life started coming into place! I started working there by chance, when my stepdad took me there for ice cream to celebrate a school awards ceremony. I was looking for an after-school job at the time, and my stepdad noticed some applications on the counter. It's amazing to think back on all of the little things that had to fall into place to make the life we have now, and another little life on the way!
That little life is doing great. He's been very active, and I'm pretty sure he's not deaf because he often reacts to noises. We went to see Coraline last weekend, and the previews were so loud for some reason. I felt bad because Little Guy kicked really hard every time there was a loud bang or yell in the previews. But he got his revenge a few days later when he did a tap dance on my bladder during a conference call in my boss's office. I have worn a path in the carpet from my desk to the bathroom, and I hear it only gets worse. Two of my co-workers have terrified me with stories of their friends who had to wear diapers during their third trimester. I really hope it's an urban legend, especially since my bus ride home is going to be longer than it used to be.
Today is moving day! Our movers will be here in about three hours, so it's time to start packing up those last minute things sitting around. We are very excited to get moved, and once we're settled we're going to start decorating Little Guy's room!
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