I felt like a zombie at work today. My eyeballs hurt any time I look to the side, I'm so tired. So what did I decide to do with my evening? Sleep training! It lasted all of 7 minutes. I have heard endless advice about "crying it out," so I put Brenden in his bassinet when he was drowsy. He was quiet for a couple minutes, waiting for me to come back. (Now and then I set him down in his crib so I can go do something, and he just lays there like a good boy until I'm done.) But once he realized I was taking too long, he started to fuss. It wasn't even all-out crying, but it broke my heart because I knew he was confused. I went in to comfort him (the advice is to comfort the baby but not pick them up), and he broke out into a huge grin and laughed. I felt like the biggest jerk when I told him it was night-night time and left the room. He started crying again and I couldn't take it. Yes, I know, I'll be rocking him to sleep when he's 8 at this rate. But he seems too young. I don't know when we'll feel ready to stop rocking him, but it's not now.
We are planning to work on Brenden's nap routine for sure. We are still holding him for every nap. You can imagine what our lives are like having to hold him 6 hours out of every day, not being able to get up. Adam is working on putting him down in his crib or swing during the day, but he almost always wakes up right away. I think once we're settled in the apartment we're going to nix holding him while he naps, so even if he keeps waking up when we put him down, eventually he'll be so exhausted he has no choice but to sleep on his own. In theory.
Work is going better. I survived our huge Navy submittal (barely), so finally it doesn't feel like I'm walking into a funnel cloud when I walk in the office. (I almost typed "funnel cake," zzzzzz.... who wouldn't want to walk into a funnel cake when they walk in the office??) Anyway, I still have some organizing to do to get all my projects on track, but I'm not running a marathon at the moment.
Our move is going pretty smoothly too, knock on wood. I feel like I'm inviting disaster here...there's probably something major I forgot to do. We are so excited; it's going to be so much nicer.
We had a nice weekend with my dad and stepmo
m. They flew in from Indiana to see Brenden, and he was smitten. I was a little worried he might be shy, but he hammed it up with smiles and laughs. The only downside was that Brenden's nap schedule was off so he was exhausted from his party weekend. He also treated Grandma and Grandpa to some howling in his car seat. Oh, how he hates riding in the car. I felt sad for Brenden when they left. It's hard not to have family around. We like Seattle and we want to give Brenden all of the opportunities and experiences it has to offer, but it stinks that it's at the expense of seeing his family regularly.
1 comment:
We did sleep training with Daniel at 9 months and Patrick at 7 months. I just wasn't ready before then, and I don't think they were either.
Both of my boys would only nap in the swing until they were 6 months old!
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