Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Every Other Day

Every other day is a great day, and the ones inbetween are rough. Saturday was an awesome day. I got tons done around the house and still had plenty of time to spend with Brenden. We took a long walk down to the water, and he had a blast. He's definitely a people-watcher. Several people have commented on how attentive and focused he is.

But Sunday was a rough day. The cold I've been fighting for several days hit hard that day, and Brenden was having an "off" day too. I learned that moms don't get sick days, and I couldn't even have my beloved Nyquil since I'm nursing.

Of course Monday was another good day - things went really well at work and I got home in time to catch some more laughs from Brenden. He was in a good mood most of the evening and went to bed in time for Adam and I to hang out for a little bit.

But today? You guessed it. Rough. Usually Adam and Brenden are up while I'm getting ready in the morning, but Brenden went back to sleep after nursing at 5 AM and didn't wake up until after I left. It was nice having time to straighten my hair and not run out the door half-dressed to catch the bus. (The other day I had to stuff my belt, knee highs, and jewelry in my purse and put them on when I got on the bus. And I wasn't even embarrassed.) But then when it was time to go and I realized I wouldn't see Brenden until this evening, it felt like the first day back at work all over again. I've been fighting tears all day, and now here I am tearing up at my desk over lunch. At least I have a cold so the red eyes blend in with the red flaky nose. But now I just dripped Indian food on my white shirt...it looks suspiciously like baby poop.

I think I'm going to start coming in later to spend more time with Brenden in the mornings. He's been going to bed earlier and earlier at night, and mornings are his happiest time. I've been getting to work at 7:30 and there's rarely anyone here to acknowledge this feat. I just got my own laptop at work so I'm going to try working an hour in the evenings after Brenden goes to bed instead.

Brenden is 3 months old tomorrow! And the way it worked out, it will be exactly one year since his tiny life began. Luckily it falls on a "good" day. Oh god, I'm tearing up again...time to go focus on contracts and submittals...good thing I work in a field devoid of emotion.

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