Have you ever seen a more beautiful face?
Our new apartment is very nice. The noise is not. It's making me nuts. We went from a quiet little town to a huge apartment complex on a busy street. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment before, and most of our neighbors were single, quiet people. Now we have a family with a hyperactive 3 year old next door and crazy college kids above us. I understand that both are going to be loud, and they had to listen to Brenden shriek a bit this evening when he resisted being rocked to sleep. But the loss of privacy is really hard. Right now it feels like everyone around us is intruding on our home. I hope I get used to it.
Tami and Paityn came over today for a visit. I haven't seen Tami since I went back to work, and it was fun to catch up. Brenden thought Paityn was a hoot until she started shrieking because she was tired. He started doing his scared whimper.
Poor Adam spent most of the day at the old house, repainting Brenden's room back to white. He has another cold and it was a bit depressing for him to be in the empty old house all alone. He still has to go back to do another coat, and I'm headed over there tomorrow to clean.
This move has been exhausting. I hope this place feels like home eventually. We're mostly unpacked and the apartment itself is great. We have lots of space and 2 bathrooms for the first time ever. Adam gets the bathroom with the shower stall, and Brenden and I are sharing the bathroom with the tub. That might change once Brenden starts toilet training! Right now I really hope we're not still living here by the time Brenden's potty training. I wish we had enough money to buy a nice house. I know that's no guarantee of quiet, unless you're out on a farm somewhere.
There's still lots to do, and I'm headed back to work on Wednesday.