Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Tapeworm Called Little Guy

Here we are at 32 weeks! Two different strangers made comments this week about how the baby "must be due any day." Yep, any day 8 weeks from now! I'm not going to have anything to wear towards the end because I've about grown out of everything already.

I can't stop eating today! My two pregnant friends at work talk about how hard it is to eat because their stomachs are too compressed. I don't have that problem. (They're both having girls, so their bellies aren't about to drop to the floor like mine.) I woke up with a growling stomach at 4 am, so I had my nightly glass of Nesquik. I went back to bed but couldn't sleep because the growls started up again. So I had a bowl of cereal, and managed to sleep another four hours before the growls woke me up again. I've heard these hungry days are a sign that the baby is having a growth spurt. He's already so big that he can hook a foot through my ribs and squeeze my bladder at the same time!

Tomorrow is our childbirth class. I'm excited to see the hospital and know a little more about what to expect. But I hope we don't learn so much that we start getting nervous. I just want to know anything that will help the birth go smoothly.

The weather has finally turned spring-like, after we had SNOW earlier this week. I was sitting through a grueling 5-hour meeting at work, and I looked out the window to see a flurry of snowflakes! I got an eye twitch that still hasn't completely gone away, even after my boss's April Fool's joke. During the meeting, the client asked my boss if any design changes had been made on a certain structure. My boss replied, "No, except we decided to use [such-and-such] rebar." The room was dead silent except for the sound of me clicking away on my laptop, oblivious to the tension in the room. (I, of course, had no idea how horrific an idea it would be to use [such-and-such] rebar.) Then my boss smiled and said, "April Fools!" and all of the engineers cracked up with relief. Now imagine my boss with his goofy glasses and ever-present bed-head. Goofy as they are, the engineers I work with are really smart and nice to work with. It's nice to work in an environment where most people are focused on the work and you don't have to tiptoe around a minefield of egos.


Kara Hartz said...

Your belly is ADORABLE. You do NOT look like you could deliver any day. Oh, and if you think you're hungry now....wait until you start nursing :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you boss doesn't look at your blog! Hee hee.
By the way, I never had any trouble eating while pregnant either. Takes alot of calories to grow a human. :-)