We'll be 35 weeks along next Tuesday - it's hard to believe we're this close! We went to a breastfeeding class today, which made me feel more confident that I'll be able to do it when the time comes. We had several hours to kill downtown before we headed back to the hospital for a birth center tour, so we went down to Pike Place Market and spent a relaxing hour at the bookstore. Little Guy had a photo op with Barack Obama...

Finally on Friday I had to laugh at myself for being so uptight. I was sitting in yet another meeting, feeling miserable because I was so uncomfortable and couldn't focus. I was roasting (even though the woman next to me was shivering), and my hands and feet swelled up like sausages. My back was hurting and my sciatic nerve was compressed (aka butt cramp). Then my laptop crashed and I thought my notes were lost forever. I had two hours left in the day when I got back to my desk, and I thought I'd never make it. But then I thought about how I would do absolutely anything for Little Guy...step in front of a train, whatever (although right now that would be counterproductive), and I realized that my discomfort and frustration are such small things. Thinking about things in that way gave me a fresh burst of energy (maybe not a "burst," but I was able to stay conscious at least). It helps just to accept that there are going to be challenges and not get too worked up about them.
Little Guy's room is coming along great. Adam painted it last weekend and we set up his furniture. We need to do the finishing touches, but we should have pictures soon. It's already cuter than I imagined, and more spacious. Now I just need to find curtains and a lamp - I thought it would be easy to find simple yellow curtains and a lamp with a yellow shade, but so far no luck!
1 comment:
My favorite part of this one: "Thinking about things in that way gave me a fresh burst of energy (maybe not a "burst," but I was able to stay conscious at least). It helps just to accept that there are going to be challenges and not get too worked up about them."
Hilarious and SOOOO true.
I had this ridiculous dream about flying to Seattle for the birth that I'll have to tell you about. You know how dreams are scattered and not well connected. It was funny! Love you!
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