Friday, April 23, 2010

Last Day at Work

I am officially unemployed! My last day at work was very nice, except that I've come down with a yucky cold. I felt bad breathing on the new guy while training him today, but when I told him as much, he said it was worth it to have a little more training before I go. Now that's dedication!

It was a hard race all the way to the finish, trying to train him and wrap things up. I am so relieved to be done and to have wrapped things up nicely the way I wanted. I worked so hard at that job. I received a lot of nice emails and phone calls from co-workers and clients today, which made me feel great, despite the fact that I had to breath through my mouth like a panting dog.

My cold inspirated a little variation on a recurring fantasy of mine. Here's a big confession - since Brenden was born I have fantasized about renting a hotel room for a night by myself, where I can pull the blackout shades, read a chapter of a good book uninterrupted, then pass out for at least 12 hours. Today's variation was that I would trade the book for a bottle of Nyquil and a quart of hot and sour soup.

Time to head to bed. Adam has agreed to get up with Brenden as much as possible tonight, so I have a shot at a good night's sleep. I hope so, because we have a LOT of work to do before the movers show up on Tuesday.

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