We had the best Friday the 13th, and we needed it. The past week has been absolutely brutal. Work was so busy it made me dizzy. We had a huge submittal and it was invoicing time, so I was completely bombarded. On Wednesday I cried while I was pumping during lunchtime because I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. Adam and I were beyond exhausted from getting up with Brenden at night. We think he's being woken up from pain from teething. Being so tired made it hard to deal with the pressure of working and being a mom. It's a lot of pressure to have to nurse/pump and be the only one working. I wouldn't change anything about our life (except give myself a nice raise so we wouldn't be on such a tight budget), but now and then it feels overwhelming.
I felt like I was coming down with a cold yesterday, so I brought my laptop and some work home with me so I could work from home today. I'm so glad I did. I got quite a bit done while Adam and Brenden napped and played. We all got some extra sleep and Brenden seemed really happy to have me home. We went out to the mall, bookstore, and Target this afternoon. Adam and Brenden go to the mall a lot now that it's too cold to walk outside. Every time I bent down to talk to Brenden in his stroller, he squealed in excitement, like he had forgotten I was there and was excited to see me. Too cute! Thankfully he has traded in the random screaming for random fake coughing, which is easier on the eardrums.
We bought Brenden's first solid food at Target today - rice cereal! We're going to try it on Thanksgiving and see how he likes it. There were three kinds of rice cereal and I agonized over which kind to buy. I'm torn on whether to buy organic. As I already mentioned, we're on a tight budget, but I feel like we should still buy organic if it's better. We ended up getting the regular rice cereal though because it will be easier on his stomach than the whole grain organic, plus the regular Gerber cereal is fortified with more vitamins than the organic stuff.
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