We have been back in the Midwest for exactly one year! When I think back on where we were one year ago, I'm amazed we had the energy and nerve to do it. Moving cross-country with a baby and no jobs was a big leap of faith, but it's worked out really well. Some things have gone better than I anticipated, especially finding a job similar to what I had in Seattle. I was convinced that wouldn't happen. And some things have been harder to adjust to, mainly the culture and financial changes.
Brenden was very serious about his Easter egg hunt
He has Daddy's chin and Mommy's chocolate addiction
I am so glad it's spring, even with the apocalyptic weather we've had the past week. I've never seen such severe thunderstorms that lasted this long. Brenden misses playing outside, but he didn't mind getting woken up at 10 pm to huddle in the basement and watch Pee Wee's Playhouse. "Wee Wee" is one of his favorite shows, along with Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Watching Pee Wee brings back memories of my 80's childhood, which is getting further and further into the past! I'll be 30 in just a couple months. I'm actually looking forward to it. Being 20-something is overrated, in my opinion. I think my 30's will be fun. I've mellowed out but I'm still young enough to enjoy it.
Being a mom is so much more fun every month! Brenden keeps us laughing every day with some new antic. The things he says are just so cute. His speech is pretty clear for his age. He has a few words that he pronounces his own way, which is so funny:
'da bade=the bed
And speaking of ketchup, if he can dip it, he'll eat it.
His favorite song is "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones. He calls it "Wa Wa." I used to like that song, but now have to hear it at least twice a day.
I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. We're supposed to have 2 days off from the rain, so we're going to get outside and enjoy it. I love working in our yard, and it was hard to stay inside during B's naps last weekend while it poured down rain.