It's been over 3 weeks since my last blog. I've been busy as usual, but actually not as busy. Work is calmer and my home to-do list is much more manageable. (maybe because I spend less time blogging?)
We've had a fun few weeks. We took Brenden on his first trip to the zoo. Here's a picture of us there:

Just kidding, obviously. But that is a picture I took while we were there, believe it or not. The gorilla closest to the glass is the patriarch of the group. He spent the whole time picking his nose.
Brenden's favorite animal was the owl. A zookeeper was giving a talk about the owl, and when we took Brenden up to watch, he starting making hooting sounds at the owl. Such a smart boy :)
We were all exhausted from our big day at the zoo. Brenden passed out when we got home, and he slept so long I actually had to wake him up. He didn't even stir when I took this photo:

He has been sleeping much better for the past month. Now that he can roll over easily, he loves to sleep on his tummy with his arms and legs pulled under him.
The next weekend was Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend, and it also marked the 12th anniversary of Adam's and my first date. I made a very dry cake to celebrate:

True to form, Brenden couldn't resist getting into it. He gets into EVERYTHING now. The other day he was sitting on Adam's lap while Adam checked his email. Adam had just received an email from someone he sold some blu-ray movies to on ebay, and the person was concerned because he hadn't received the movies in the mail yet. I told Adam not to worry because we had the shipping confirmation and insurance slip from the post office, and then Adam looked over and realized the slip was in Brenden's hand, dissolving in slobber. Thank goodness the movies eventually turned up!
One last photo of Brenden being silly...